"Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits can become tedious." St. Thomas Aquinas

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February Book Technique

We have just gotten our February book technique under way: "Self Portraits" following the instructions in Pam Carriker's awesome book: "Art at the Speed of Life".  Here is my final "work in progress" portrait that I adapted from a vintage image.  This was so much fun and super easy to do!  I hope you will join us for some fun mixed media projects this year!


trisha too said...

You know, I keep lurking and reading the posts, thinking I should have signed up for this . . .

Wonderful portrait-in-progress, Cynthia!

Sharon Field / Inky A*Muse-ment said...

Wow, sounds like a terrific book! Lovely porait Cynthia.. .I'll have to see if I can even begin to accomplish this months' challenge! LOL... hand drawn is a draw back for me!

Coleen said...

Sounds like a fun project Cynthia and you did a great job on your piece. I like the depth in your background. I'm following here now and hope you will follow on mine as well. Helps me to stay connected.

Coleen in Ukraine