Friday, October 22, 2010

Halloween-Day 22

Darn this day just creeped up on me!  I almost forgot to post something for you all today!  Here's your goodies!  These were taken in ??? Guess-where do you think they were taken?  Do you know?  I'll bet you do.  I'll give you a clue-it's one of my favorite cities except it's terribly humid most of the time.  Well, OK every time I've been there, it felt like I would melt like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz.  OK that wasn't a really good clue, here's another one:  Clue #2-Louie Armstrong is buried here.


  1. Crypts in New Orleans...know those tombs anywhere---do you need the specific cemetary? I can tell you it is NOT St. Louis #1, looks more like Lafayette, or maybe St. Louis #2. Possibly St. Roch's.
    Oh how I wish I was there....I miss NOLA with a passion!


  2. I would love to go visit New Orleans again too. It's a city that is alive, beautiful, friendly and awesome in its history, food and music! I don't think there's another place quite like it.

  3. We went every year until Katrina---it was like having my own home stripped from me. I miss it so much; it always inspired artwork and photography.
    I was delighted to see the crypts here! Great pics!


  4. We moved from Gulfport, two weeks before Katrina hit. My friends sent me photos of the devastating damages. It may never fully recover, but the spirit of New Orleans will always live on.
