Friday, October 22, 2010

Front yard Decorating

 Every year after the flowers have all bloomed, the garden out front looks so bare and last year I tried to add some carvable pumpkins under and around the bushes but they kept rolling down the street every time the wind would blow.  The neighbors were good enough to bring them back, and back, and back.  LOL!  I think they thought I was playing a game, but darn I never did reward them.  I should have grab a prize basket and every time they brought my pumpkins home, I should have given them a thank you prize!  So, this year, they are probably wondering how I managed to weigh-down my pumpkins since they aren't out chasing them down to return them.  Nope-these are the real deal this year.  Big Box W had these beauties for just $2 each, when down the street and around the corner at the local pumpkin patch, they were selling them for $8-9!  I bought all of these pumpkins for next to nothing and wow, they make the garden come alive again!  I hope this inspires all of you to go grab some pumpkins and plant some color in your garden this autumn. 


  1. Looks beautiful! I miss fall that looks like this - colored leaves, pumpkins etc. Now that I live in AZ, fall means to me that you can finally step outside the house without running the risk of spontaneously combusting! Foliage is finally turning green now, not rusts, yellows, and reds.

    PS, your story about the pumpkins rolling down the street created a very amusing visual! Maybe next time you should try velcro...

  2. I've been in Las Vegas in July when it was hot enough to melt the soles on my shoes, so I know what spontaneous combustion feels like. I had a good laugh-Thank You! :-D

  3. love your pumpkins and soot stamping.. have a great halloween

  4. Thanks Lorraine-My Grandsons had a blast visiting Grandma's pumpkin patch the other day. More than half of the pumpkins have found a good home now and will be carved soon! :-D
