Thursday, July 28, 2016

Two Months Flew By

I can hardly believe half of 2016 is already over, but it was sure plentiful in adventures.  I feel as if I've lived 4 life times in the past 62 years.  My life has been full of wonder and marvelous things.  I wouldn't even know where to start telling the stories, but the best part is, I'm entering a new phase of life, with many more promising adventures to come.  The photo on the right is of a co-op somewhere in Oklahoma maybe, I don't remember.  What I do remember though, is, I took it from a moving vehicle.  I'm getting pretty darn good at doing that if I do say so myself.  If we stopped every time I saw something of interest, it would take years to get across the country.  That would be something I could do when my loving hubby decides to retire.  For now, I'm content to go along for the ride and snap pics through the windshield.   This one might be worthy of a painting.  Yes? No?  If time permits?  

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