Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Flowers Winding Down

I can't believe it is already the middle of October, makes me wonder what did I do to make the time go by so fast.  Oh yeah, I know, I was studying a new art medium most of the time.  Watercolor.  I am so engrossed with it that I barely came up for air this year and I promised myself that I would start reposting to my blog.  I have ignored it long enough.  These rose buds are the last from my garden.  They were pruned way back this past week to encourage them to produce more roses next year.  They were absolutely gorgeous this year so I can imagine them next year.  The variety of colors, has been wonderful.  The rose hips were gigantic this year too, so I'm wondering if this is a sign of things to come.  The weathermen/women are predicting a harsh winter ahead.  Time will tell. 

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