Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Alternative Movie Posters

I have always had a fascination with graphic illustration in that the processes can be so enjoyable.  From the early years, when small town movie theaters would post the newest upcoming movie posters on their walls, behind glass, I have found the designs to be quite intriguing.  This new book (recently released by the Schiffer Publishing Company), explores the designs of 100+ artists from around the world.  These artists revitalized these collectible vintage movie posters to create new modern day collectibles.  Some of "this fans" or My favorites include: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, (remember that hilarious movie?), Psycho (which is a fabulous classic), and Night of the Living Dead (which gave me nightmares for weeks).  There are another 97 remakes showcased in this awesome book, along with information on each artist, their medium of choice and their websites, if you would like to become a fan/follower.  This is not a "how to book" but a celebration of the global artists talent and creativity.  Stunning posters for todays collectible genre'.  Get your copy today by clicking on the link in my sidebar. 
Please note-I am an affiliate of Amazon and I do receive a few pennies for every book you purchase via the link.  It adds up and allows me to purchase a book or two each year.  So thanks for clicking on....

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