Sunday, October 16, 2011

Last Road Trip-2011

We took the trailer out for its maiden voyage last weekend and had a wonderful time exploring a new area of Idaho that we had not seen before.  Did you know that Soda Springs has a geyser that shoots up in the air almost as far as Old Faithful!  It certainly appears to! 

We saw so many interesting things and I took way over 400 photos so to even search through them for any one great photo is pretty daunting right now, but I will share a couple of them with you.

This is where we stayed, out in the middle of a wheat field.   It was amazing in that the sky was so stormy looking and everything had this golden tone to it.  The colors were deeper than normal and I just couldn't get enough of the browns and golds everywhere.  We had a great time, but cut our trip short a day since we had a problem with the furnace.  See the snow, not a good time to not have any heat! LOL!

This was such an amazing thing to see, it is a wooden water duct that had sprung so many leaks.  It could be seen for miles in either direction and eventually led to the damn, where it was converted to a metal duct.  I had never seen such a thing before, but it was like viewing oak wine barrels, laid end to end for miles.

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