Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Abstracts

I managed to get down to my painting studio yesterday and throw some paint around on a few canvases.  I have been working on these for months, painting and over-painting.  I just wasn't satisfied with anything, until yesterday.  I re-painted them yet again with a new barn red (looks orange in these photos) instead of a bold-bright red and it all came together for me.  I call these Crossroads I & II because I was at a crossroads in which way to go with them.  I am not an abstract painter and I avoided abstract anything because to me it is organized/disorganized chaos.
Yesterday I changed my mind.  I was literally dancing in front of these paintings, waving my arm around, laughing and having a great time.  I let myself freely experience the randomness of the moment and if anyone happened to glance in the window,  they would have thought I had lost my mind.  Wow, what a feeling!  Oh yeah-these are done with a palette knife, a first for me!


  1. Both are beautiful, Cindy. They are warm and inviting.

  2. I love these - the colours are stunning together.

  3. Very cool...or should I say "hot" considering the color scheme!
